Boss-Bitch Level-Up: Get Dressed! (Yes, even if you’re working from home.)

Our Los Angeles Women’s Boutique is Here for You (Even if You’re Reading this in Your Jammies)

Working from home in your pajamas is cool, but is it messing with your productivity or psyche in general? According to professionals, it likely is. In fact, according to psychologist De’Von Patterson, a person’s natural inclination is to want to know what is going to happen next. (Yes, girl—a routine.) Patterson goes on to share, “A lot of what people are experiencing right now is a disruption of their routine […] When you don’t know what’s coming next, that can be a challenging thing for some people, so a lot of it is about having some semblance of what your day and week looks like. Knowing what’s coming next can be comforting.” So, what does this mean? That’s right, girl. You need to get back on that routine—but make it fashionable!

Our salty babes at your favorite Los Angeles women’s boutique want to share with you the importance of getting dressed for work—even if you are working from home! With that said, get up, take a shower, throw on a comfy robe, and get to reading why you need to start stylin’ on the daily! (Excuse for shopping? Your husband will understand.)

It’s more than just getting pretty…

If you’ve been working from home, chances are you have felt the trickling effects of isolation and, for some, even depression. (Can we get an amen?) Now, when we begin our days by beautifying ourselves in cutesy clothes or beating our faces with our fav cosmetics, not only do we allow the goddess from within to emerge—but we also exercise our brains and let them know, “Hey! We ‘bout to have a badass day.” Patterson explains that by participating in this routine (or should we call it The Bad Bitch Process?), we prepare our brains for the workday!

You might even get to wear multiple outfits in one day (dream come true?)

When your work day “ends,” so can your work outfit! What’s the beauty of this, you may ask? Girl, you now have an excuse to wear multiple cute outfits in one day—no more choosing between 3 pairs of pants, a few tops, and the hardest decision, which shoes will tie it all together! Now, you’ll get to enjoy a buffet of your fav pieces in one day—and it’s therapist-approved! That’s right. According to licensed psychotherapist Ryan Beale, dressing for different parts of the day can break up the warp of time that we have been trapped in since the pandemic started.

Your clothes also affect your level of boss bitch

Have you ever thrown on a pair of heels or your favorite dressy top on your way to work (back when we actually worked at our place of work)? If you have, you know that when you look great, you feel great, and that boss bitch dial gets turned up ALL day. Well, it was never about actually going to the workplace, it was you igniting the boss powers from within and owning it all day. In fact, Professor Michael Slepian, from Columbia Business School, performed a study which proves that the clothes we wear affect the way we work as well as the decisions we make. Getting dressed enhances cognitive processes and allows a person to take more action. On the contrary, casual wear can lead to less focus. Why? According to these professionals, it’s because the clothes we choose to wear are associated with different functions of our lives. (Who would have thought?!)

Does this mean you need to wear a suit every day? (OMG, no, girl!)

“Getting dress for work” doesn’t mean you need to wear a pencil skirt and blazer every day. (We would never do that to you—although we love a good blazer.) It just means that it’s important to cut some you-time out of every day. Set your alarm, turn up your boss bitch tunes, and put together the outfit that makes you feel like the queen that you are. Maybe that’s your favorite pair of jeans with a cute graphic tee. Maybe it’s a dress or romper. Maybe it’s even a gorgeous blouse and some cute kicks. Whatever it is, wear the outfit that makes you look in the mirror and say, “DAMN.” Follow it up with a productive day in your at-home office and BOOM—Your day is POPPIN’.

You know Salt and Freckles always has you covered, babe.

If you made it through this entire read, you may find yourself thinking, “Well, shit. I guess I have to go shopping.” What a chore (sarcastically). Girl, you know Salt and Freckles has you covered. Come shop your favorite Los Angeles boutique dedicated to making all you fierce queens feel like the boss bitches you are. We promise it’ll be like shopping in your best friend’s closet—only better. 

Ready to shop with us? Visit us in store or shop online! Have questions? Give us a call. We can’t wait to see you!




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